My body has once again shown me it’s time to rest and take care of my emotional health.
Emotional healing is connecting to, understanding, and addressing emotional wounds, trauma, or distress to promote mental and emotional well-being.
I was angry and agitated. Anger can be associated with fever. I had a low-grade fever.
Where did that come from? Did you walk away after you injured yourself and berated yourself for being klutzy or stupid for walking into the table or hitting your elbow on the corner of the cupboard?
The process of truly connecting within me was to pause, stop, listen, journal, and acknowledge what I had ignored for years.
Give in. You know what your soul wants. Just listen and take action. You are safe. It's not too late.
When we stuff or ignore our hurts or fears, these emotional experiences become stuck in our bodies.
Open your heart and soul and let all in. Allow yourself to feel the energies that your body experiences.
This is the time to embrace the healing.
Even though I knew how to listen to my body, I choose to give my power away to others. I was overwhelmed, too much to do, too much to think about. I have been so busy taking care of others, that I just wanted someone else to take of me.
I have the power and choice to use kind words and forgiveness. Being gentle with myself and allowing myself to go through the process of learning and gaining a new talent.
I believe that healing needs to be looked at in a “wholistic” manner. All modalities of healing are important to consider.
Our human bodies are so much more than a head. It is important to utilize all parts of us.
Acne may cause embarrassment or shame and the need to cover up. Other feelings are of being flawed.
Psoriasis is an itchy irritating condition of the skin. I scratch and pick at them. This picking has become a habit.
Dis-ease is the way your body experiences pain. The pain, discomfort or sensation is caused by emotions that are held within your body.
In 1993, I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous tissues in my sinuses. Once I heard the word Cancer, it put fear into me, and I subjected myself to a surgeon’s knife to eradicate the disease.
When making decisions, call attention to your heart centre. Bring attention to your heart by putting your hand or fingers on your heart.
Connective tissue is the glue in your body. It provides support, flexibility, and strength required to support internal organs and structures such as blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves.
At 16 years old, I first started to cough. I was playfighting with my brother and had my face buried in the carpet. Was it the dust in the carpet or other allergens? What was happening to me? What was the reason I “needed” to cough or bark things to the world?
I had planned to write and post my blogs about healing in chronological order, from birth to the present time. However, the universe had another plan, and I have been guided to write my healing experiences as they happen.
At 12 years old, I started to feel pain behind my teeth. The dentist had no idea why I was having pain. I had no cavities. It wasn’t until I was 25 that I found a doctor/dentist that could pinpoint the issue.
I had many sore throats wherein the medical profession decided that removing my tonsils would be the cure. It wasn’t.
This week, I twisted my ankle and fell. Twenty-four hours later – I stopped and asked what message my ankle had for me. Here is what I heard:
Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us.
These were the words I spoke to my husband as he was being wheeled into OR to have triple by-pass surgery on his heart.