Understanding the MindBody Connection - Back Injury
I am giving myself time to heal and today I am posting a blog about my journey.
I had planned to write and post my blogs about healing in chronological order, from birth to the present time. However, the universe had another plan, and I have been guided to write my healing experiences as they happen.
First, I twisted my ankle while working as a Community Support Practitioner. This slowed me down for a short time. Next, I was working for Elections Canada and fell downstairs. Yes, this did stop me! I sustained a severe back injury.
My husband and I were forced to cancel a trip to visit our daughter. I was also forced to cancel a trip with my cousins.
I was angry and frustrated that I had been forced to stop!
So I asked the question – what’s the reason for all this?
I had been seeing the numbers 555 for about 2 months. 555 represents freedom, exploration, travel and change. I immediately connected to change and became afraid of what was to come. I thought I don’t want to change. I like things the way they are – or do I?!
Change what I’m doing? What does that look like? I thought I was doing what I needed. Build my company, find my tribe, create awareness and connect with people who wanted to change their lives and learn how to heal. Yet here I am flat on my back for most of the day unable to do what I so passionately believe in!
After spending 7 days lying on my back, I began to ask myself; “How can I teach others how to heal themselves when I have hurt myself”? I felt like a fraud.
I have had to deal with several physical issues throughout my life. I know how to connect my Mind to my Body and have healed so many areas of my life!
Why again?
What am I missing?
What more is there to learn?
The universe said STOP and that I did. The first thing I did was resign from two committees. The second thing was no blogs or affirmations on Facebook or my website for a month. I gave into my plight and decided to take the time to listen to what the universe had been trying to tell me. Once I listened, I began to see the lessons and the truth started to reveal itself.
Message: Stop, listen, pay attention and be in the moment
Then I determined what are the most important thing(s) to me…
I don’t want to be vulnerable.
I only want to do what I love.
I want to be successful.
I want the freedom to follow my passion.
I want to travel.
I know what I don’t want, so what do I want instead? Now I needed to create affirmations around these fears, thoughts and beliefs.
I am safe in all things.
I have the freedom to follow my passion.
I travel all over the world speaking and teaching about healing.
I am successful while pursuing my passion.
The injury was primarily to my coccyx. I did look in Louise Hay’s book; Heal Your Body.
Probable Cause:
Out of balance with myself. Holding on. The blame of self. Sitting on old pain.
Those were hard words to read, believe and embrace! For almost a month I was in denial of those words. Over time I let her (Louise Hay) words sink in and read it several more times. I started to understand what I needed to learn.
Out of balance with myself: I visualized scales, and as a Libra my scales were unbalanced. I was doing things that didn’t support or enhance my passion.
Holding on: holding onto a job that doesn’t utilize my talents or allow me to grow. Fear of losing something before I have something else.
The blame of self: too old. Pursue my passion(s) at the expense of others and myself.
Sitting on old pain: I’m living an old pattern.
New Thought Pattern:
I bring my life into balance by loving myself. I live in today and love who I am.
I am loving myself more today than I ever have. How do I love myself even more? Doing more of what I love; swimming, yoga, writing, etc. Being more committed to me, meditate, writing affirmations and mirror work daily. Pursuing my passion.
Living in today – I am a visionary – I always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Do what I love each day and at the end of the day speak and write gratitude. Be in the here and now.
Love who I have become, love the person I am. Validate my successes and accomplishments.
This healing journey has been 7 weeks now. I was reminded last week to pay attention to my environment and what I am doing with my physical body. To be in the moment and decide if my next move will be safe for me. We have all heard the quote “Learning is like peeling an onion.” I’ve just heard lately; with each layer, we peel off that onion, there are tears. I’ve also heard the quote “Life is like peeling back the petals of a rose.” As we learn there are lessons that burn our eyes and create tears and there are lessons that feel and smell so good, we smile.
I have been reminded once again that healing is a journey and that there is a Divine process and purpose.
To quote Louise Hay;
“And so it is”
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