The Yellow Rose
I was a volunteer and a vendor at the Women’s Retreat – Healing Hearts. I brought a dozen yellow roses to display on my table. Yellow roses were Louise Hay’s favourite. I always buy yellow roses for my workshops or other events to honour the women who shared her messages of love with the world. Within these dozen roses, I noticed one had a red tinge on a few petals.
My initial thought was,
“The rose is flawed.”
I thought about exchanging this rose and then decided to keep it, thinking,
“There must be a reason I was given this rose.”
11 days later, it is the only rose that was still alive and smelled wonderful! The rose continued to bloom for another 5 days until I cut the stem and let it dry.
What I learned is that everyone and everything has flaws of some kind. I judged myself as imperfect when I fell and hurt my back, That I’m not deserving of success in my life because of my flaw. My judgement was: I am a Heal Your Life Coach, I teach about the MindBody Connection, and I hurt myself. I also believed at the time that I was a fraud or fake because I wasn’t perfectly healed.
So, the flawed rose ended up being the most resilient of the bunch. This was an aha moment for me — the rose's message; Resilience, conviction and tenacity.
A wonderful and beautiful friend said,
“For some reason, you learn through pain.”
She was right on! It has been through several episodes of physical pain that I have come to understand the emotions causing the dis-ease and then experiencing the healing.
My true awakenings have come when I experience physical pain.