A Respiratory Therapist
A baby was saved today because a Respiratory Therapist put in a double shift…
Letting Go
The world is constantly changing, it took a pandemic to bring that reality to people.
Understanding the MindBody Connection - Stye
Give in. You know what your soul wants. Just listen and take action. You are safe. It's not too late.
Obstacles - Or are they Opportunities?
When we have jumped in with both hands and feet, we start to discover that our thoughts create the most beautiful and exciting outcomes.
Fear and Anxiety
When you do not live in the moment or presence tense, your bodies experience anxiety. The anxiety of the unknown or the belief that you will experience dome or glom or the unknown. Your mind makes up stories about things that have not even occurred yet.
What Have You Missed?
I woke up on a Thursday morning in the seventh week of physical distancing, desperately needing to hug my son, typically that would have been a real possibility, he only lives three hours away.
Imposter Syndrome
I believed in me, I had a vision. So why now do I believe that I can’t do that again? Why do I feel like an imposter?
Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important - and one of the most often forgotten-things you can do as a caregiver.
Loneliness can be a state of mind. You can be a room full of people and still feel lonely. Loneliness can also occur when you are alone at home, driving in a car or at work in a cubical or room by yourself.
The Yellow Rose
Yellow roses were Louise Hay’s favourite. I always buy yellow roses for my workshops or other events to honour the women who shared her messages of love with the world. Within these dozen roses, I noticed one had a red tinge on a few peddles. My initial thought was, “the rose is flawed.”