Understanding the MindBody Connection - Ankle
My Journey to Healing
In Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. She has a list of Probable Causes and New Thought Patterns
Last week, I twisted my ankle and fell.
I spent a day just moving forward; using ice, taking natural anti-inflammatories’ and applying prescribed Voltaren. The swelling did go down, however, the pain persisted. Twenty-four hours later – I stopped and asked what message my ankle had for me. Here is what I heard:
“Pay Attention”
Pay attention to what?
One could simply conclude that it was the surface I was walking on, however, there’s so much more!
I need to pay attention to…
The people around me.
The words people are speaking.
My emotional responses to the words people are speaking.
The environment to which I have put myself into.
The things that aren’t always as they seem.
The people in my life.
My beliefs about situations.
Being focused on my journey especially when I’m making breakthroughs.
Slow down and connect to my intuition.
I must slow down and…
Listen to what I heard.
Let my intuition understand the message.
Approach the situation with love.
If what you’re reading is resonating, let’s chat.
I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
Probable Cause – Inflexibility and guilt. Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure.
I was having guilt about following my passion once again. Very much in the same way I did with CORD.
I didn’t believe this new path was pleasurable.
When I first read this, I didn’t want to accept those words. At the time I believed that I had to work hard to follow my passion of sharing the message of how to Heal Your Life. That I couldn’t find pleasure or experience joy in what I was pursuing. It would be grueling and I wouldn’t have the freedom for anything I enjoyed.
New Thought Pattern – I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.
Yes I do!
I remembered that during my training to become a Certified and Licensed Life Coach and Teacher, I was given an affirmation card that says: I measure my success by how much fun I’m having. At that time it truly resonated with me. It has changed my perspective once again.
I had forgotten that Head to Heart was created because of the joy and freedom I experience on my journey of change and learning to heal myself. I have set myself back on my path to sharing my message of the MindBody connection. Thank you to Victoria Johnson, my business Coach and Teacher for tagging me in a YouTube video by Dr. Maté who speaks on the MindBody Connection. I was reminded once again why I was pursuing my passion!
Hi I love sharing information on Emotions; the body, relationships, food, etc. Coming to my website along with your comments tells me that my blogs and my writing have resonated with you. I would appreciate your support through buying me a coffee or a few. This will help me to continue writing my blogs and allow me to share my healing messages.
From My Heart to Yours, Maureen