Understanding the MindBody Connection - Asthma
Just Breathe
At 16 years old I first started to cough. I was play fighting with my brother and had my face buried in the carpet. Was it the dust in the carpet or other allergens? What was happening to me?
I was diagnosed with hay fever and Asthma shortly thereafter.
Before my diagnoses, I had several bouts of bronchitis that usually came after I had a cold.
“Children who have asthma live with parents who are stressed”
What was the reason I “needed” to cough or bark things to the world?
My dad is a WWII veteran. He has PTSD, refused to talk to a professional about it and chose instead to be medicated. My dad used to scream out at night from his dreams and then I would hear him crying. I didn’t understand why my dad was doing this until I 15, and it was explained to me that dad was having flashbacks from the war. My dad was a man of few words and has spent his life just going along to get along. He didn’t want any more conflict. I found this frustrating, and so did my mom. Dad didn’t know how to stand up for himself with mom or other people in his life. My brother said, “I heard dad say he hated people.” Was it hate or fear?
My mom shared very little about her life as a child, teenager or young adult. What was she hiding or afraid to talk about? My mom and brother ganged up on me and criticized most everything about me, my friends, my clothing, my education and anything else they could find to criticize. I felt beat down, belittled and believed I didn’t deserve anything because I was not good enough. I became afraid of the world, especially men.
In Louise Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life” she says:
If what you’re reading is resonating, let’s chat.
I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
Probable cause of Allergies:
Who are you allergic to? Denying your own power.
Who are you allergic to? - It seems I was allergic to my environment! I have had several allergies, from dust to mould, animals, smoke, etc.
Denying my own power – I certainly felt powerless around my mom, brother and home environment. Nobody stood up for me, not even my dad. I was always on the defensive. I brought this behaviour into other relationships throughout my life. I put up walls and was determined that others would not hurt me like I had been hurt from my family. To protect myself, I would push others away with harsh words and believed I was right in all things. I was very defensive when anyone would tell something was wrong with me. I’d had enough.
New Thought Pattern:
The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.
I now just love all those around me. Each and every person has amazing qualities. I have so much to learn from others. I feel safe in the world and believe I am protected by the Divine and my believes of goodness. I am still learning to be at peace with life and remembering to have gratitude for the things I have accomplished so far.
Probable cause of Asthma:
Smother love. Inability to breathe for one’s self. Feeling stifled. Suppressed crying.
Smother love – I didn’t feel loved by mom or deserved to be loved. Nor did I love myself. My mom fearlessly protected us (my brother and I). She believed we could do no wrong and blamed others.
Inability to breath for one’s self and feeling stifled – I felt constricted and restricted to express myself or my feelings. I didn’t feel my opinion was important. I wasn’t sure how to ask for what I needed. I became frustrated. I held things inside of me. I was told I talked too much. At times I felt like a caged animal.
Suppressed crying – I was not allowed to cry. I remember a time when I was crying, mom said; “What are you crying for?”
As years went on my medical doctor became concerned about my low blood pressure, bowel issues and fatigue.
My medical doctor tested me for Addison’s Disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency and hypocortisolism, is a long-term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. The test results were negative.
However, all indications showed that my adrenal glands had become so depleted that they no longer produced adequate amounts of steroid hormones, primarily cortisol (the stress hormone). I take a cortisone inhaler every day to counter the effects that Asthma has on my lungs. When I have colds, I use Ventolin every four hours to open up my lungs and at times I have taken Prednisone, it is a corticosteroid, used to suppress the immune system and decrease the inflammation in conditions such as asthma.
New Thought Pattern:
It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. I choose to be free.
I am taking charge of my own life. I have spent the last 12 years walking my path of healing. I have hired a Life Coach hundreds of times and I am currently taking Life Coaching. I take responsibility for my emotional healing and work constantly to improve my MindBody Connection.
Just before Christmas I felt like something was happening in my body. My nose was stuffed up and I started to cough. On Christmas evening I came down with a fever. A good friend told me to drink hot water with apple cider vinegar and honey. I had apple cider vinegar (with the mother root) and raw honey with turmeric. I have been taking a natural Anti-inflammatory supplement for at least 2 years now and started to take an immune support supplement. Within 48 hours, I began to feel better. The congestion in my lungs was decreasing and my fever had broke.
For me this is a miracle!
New Beginnings:
For the first time in over 30 years, I was able to recover from a common cold using natural supplements and connecting to my truth through the MindBody Connection.
When the medical profession cannot find out what’s going on with me, I look beyond them. From my experience and knowledge, I believe that as a result of the constricted/restricted emotions and stress I lived in for over 30 years, I have ‘Adrenal Fatigue.’ This term often shows up in popular health books and on alternative medicine websites, and it isn't an accepted medical diagnosis. I’m okay with that; it’s now my time to heal. This pattern stops now! I have an appointment to see a natural healer and determine what my next steps are towards healing my adrenal glands.
Essential oils to support your respiratory system, try taking oils like Peppermint, On Guard (an oil blend of Lemon, Cardamom.) You can also apply Breathe® or Eucalyptus (diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil) topically for a cooling, soothing sensation.
This is the perfect end to the year wherein I choose to become Licensed Heal Your Life Teach and Coach and share my wisdom with the world. Each time my body heals, I learn so much about my own emotions and have such gratitude for the learning.