Understanding the MindBody Connection - UTI's
I’ve had so many!
Have I been pissed most of life? At times I was. This occurred when I was looking outside myself, instead of going within.
My physical body is the indicator to let me know when I am not connecting to or honouring its’ emotional needs. In the last 20 years, my bladder has been restricted due to scar tissue after the bowel perforation. I’ve been told my bladder is 1/3 it’s capacity. So, yes, there is a physical issue, of which I must take good care of to keep it healthy.
Today I have another UTI. Am I pissed off right now? You bet. I am also frustrated and overwhelmed about having to learn new technology. I feel incompetent and incapable, thinking and saying, “I’m just too old to learn.” I also feel it’s a waste of my valuable time. I only want to share my wisdom, teach, coach and write.
Hold on… that’s what I’m doing right now. Sometimes we do not see the gift, the blessing or lesson, that’s right in front of us.
So, what am I learning right now? To find a better way to connect and release my emotions. To take a hard look at what is at the root of the problem. I have lived my life with a knowing that something is wrong and not always able to understand what it was or is. I don’t usually understand until my body shows me through illness that I have once again pushed my emotions so deep that I experience a physical symptom, such as a UTI.
Essential oils include Cinnamon, Oregano, Thyme, and Marjoram.
I felt there was more than being pissed off. I looked further and researched bladder issues in Louise Hay’s book; heal your body. What I found was that I was holding onto old ideas. As I truly connected to and acknowledged that I was holding onto the old idea of being too old and incapable of learning new technology, I began to understand why these old ideas were affecting me physically.
What else had I introduced into my body prior to the UTI? I had eaten at least one dilly bar a day for five days. My mind had become foggy, my body ached, and I started to experience anxiety. As a result, my body did not have the capacity to deal with the emotions, because it was already physical being attacked by sugar and processed food. Another Aha moment!
If what you’re reading is resonating, let’s chat.
I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
My old idea created a belief and a fear I was unable to learn how to post onto LinkedIn and into the LinkedIn pod or create and have access to Gmail. This fear all brought up another old idea or belief that I would get reprimanded if I didn’t do it correctly. I’m an adult, who’s going to reprimand me? Me? I have the power and choice to use kind words and forgiveness. Being gentle with myself and allowing myself to go through the process of learning and gaining a new talent.
I did it, all of it! It seems I do know how to utilize technology, and I am capable of learning new things about technology. Go me! I now have the confidence to try new things with technology, and if I do mess up, it’s all part of the learning.
“I am open to learning and being okay with getting messy,
For this is my greatest teacher.”
Hi I love sharing information on Emotions; the body, relationships, food, etc. Coming to my website along with your comments tells me that my blogs and my writing have resonated with you. I would appreciate your support through buying me a coffee or a few. This will help me to continue writing my blogs and allow me to share my healing messages. From My Heart to Yours, Maureen