Behaviours or Habits
Who wants to continue to repeat the same thing over? I don’t, it’s not very comfortable.
Somewhere, somehow there needs to be acceptance of who you are and how you are.
Understanding the MindBody Connection - Diverticulitis
This is the time to embrace the healing.
Understanding Mindbody Connection - Energy
Even though I knew how to listen to my body, I choose to give my power away to others. I was overwhelmed, too much to do, too much to think about. I have been so busy taking care of others, that I just wanted someone else to take of me.
Imposter Syndrome
I believed in me, I had a vision. So why now do I believe that I can’t do that again? Why do I feel like an imposter?
Only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Caring for yourself is one of the most important - and one of the most often forgotten-things you can do as a caregiver.
Age; It’s only a number!
As you move forward into a new year or number, you take all your wisdom, and all your experiences that will serve you well into the future of your life on earth.
Be gentle, kind and patient
As you learn to ground yourself, observe rather than judge what you see or hear. You come into yourself in a way that gives you peace.
In today’s world, we hear the term social distancing. I’m referring to the invisible boundary. The energetic connection that we all have—a place where we are either comfortable or uncomfortable.
Understanding the MindBody Connection - UTI's
I have the power and choice to use kind words and forgiveness. Being gentle with myself and allowing myself to go through the process of learning and gaining a new talent.
He Gets Me!
When we walk side by side with someone, we are equals, experiencing the same thing in different ways.
How do we move out of virtual connection to once again physical connection? What are the next steps? Are we risking our lives to be with people? What scares you?
Get Out of Your Head!
Our human bodies are so much more than a head. It is important to utilize all parts of us.
Loneliness can be a state of mind. You can be a room full of people and still feel lonely. Loneliness can also occur when you are alone at home, driving in a car or at work in a cubical or room by yourself.