What is Truth?

When we stop to listen, feel and discern, truth is revealed.

I am a truth seeker who looks at all things with wonder and discerns where the truth is in every situation. Through the vibrational frequencies or energy, I feel the words that are spoken. When harsh words are spoken, they come to me in waves and go through my whole being. Harsh words create an emotional reaction. I may become scared, defensive or judge myself. I stop and think how is this mirroring what I don’t like about myself. Or realize those words are not my issue.

I am a truth speaker and have discovered that when I speak what my soul feels, I find freedom. Truth speaking has been a process for me. As a child and young adult, there were times I was afraid to speak my truth. My physical body experienced sore throats, strep throat and bronchitis. Other times I would express my truth, in defence of others or myself with harsh words and with intent to change the other person. That didn’t work out so well. There are still times I experience dis-ease; however, I am acutely aware of what I’m doing to my physical body and connect to the feelings, create affirmations and speak my truth.


“We have been programmed by society to not believe our truth.

We fear...

We are judged...

We second guess ourselves.”

- Maureen Gaetz-Faubert


When something doesn’t feel right, I ask questions to discern the truth. I have learned to be silent for a time, humble myself and speak words with compassion and respect. The old saying “silence is golden.” I learned this from my son, who would tell me things he heard during family gatherings. Things I totally missed because I was NOT silent. My son is a man of few words, yet because of his listening skills, he has a wealth of knowledge within him. My son Andrew has been a teacher to me. He understands the power of words and feels the energy that words project. Asking him questions has been challenging for me. My son would say; “I don’t understand that.” I came to realize that I did not put all the content necessary into my question for others to TRULY understand what I was asking. I had to stop and look back at what I said and find the words I missed. I have become a better communicator. Silence has taught me to listen and feel what’s being said. From there, I determine if I have anything of value to say. If what I say is not accepted, I respect that and become silent again.

Gregg Braden says our heart speaks truth to us, through the language of sensory neurites located in the heart that connects to our brain. Gregg stated; “we think between 40,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day.”

Our thoughts can fool us into believing what is not real as truth. Louise Hay calls these negative messages. She says when these thoughts come up, thank them and let them go. Dr. Wayne Dyer suggests doing an action. Moving your hand and arm through the air and pushing the energy of the thought away from your body. Then say; “Thank you, I love and accept myself.”

How I describe truth:

It is that silent part of us, our inner voice, our soul or spirit that knows what we need to be emotionally and physically healthy.

It is our true essence, our guide. When we stop to listen, it will tell us what we need in every moment.

It’s the beauty and pureness inside each and every one of us.

It is the guilt-free freedom to be who we are really meant to be.

It is freedom to speak how we feel and safe to do so.

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Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.


My Story