Going Within
What’s stopping you from looking within? Is there fear? Fear of what? It’s only you. Are you scary?
When you understand what’s going on inside of “you”, It’s much easier to access services for help outside of you. That’s because you rely on yourself and who and what you want and need. Through listening to your body, respecting what it tells you and asking to receive it. You are the only one who can truly decide what’s best for you. It’s innate.
Sure, knowledge from others is beneficial. Yours – inside of you - your intuition – is where truth resides. Your knowing tells you what you need and even want. It has your highest and best interest. Its’ from you; your body speaks its desires. Your body has wisdom, and so does your mind. As you listen to your heart and gut, don’t question what you hear, for it is the true answer.
Do you believe you do not know enough or have the right answers for your physical and emotional needs?
Has society skewed your persecution of yourself? Probably. When did you give up on yourself?
What are you afraid of? Making a mistake. How many others have made mistakes with your needs, body, and desires? Have you become angry or confused?
It’s just you inside. It’s a safe place. For only you know what you want. Your hopes and your desires are inside of you, only you. It doesn’t come from outside of you. What are you afraid of? It’s only you, and you are safe. Be open to what you might discover.
Do you look for solutions or problems?
The healthcare system is based on allopathy. Which is the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e., with drugs having the opposite effects to the symptoms. It is more reactive rather than proactive.
It’s interesting how most people go to doctors when sick or unwell and yet go for a massage or chiropractic treatment to remain well.
“Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”
We all benefit when embracing a ‘wholistic’ approach to human care. Here are a few ways to remain healthy: there are many more
Emotional Energy Healing – is the process of connecting to the emotional energy held in the body.
Osteopathy – the treatment of medical disorders by manipulating and massaging the bones, joints, and muscles.
Chiropractic – diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.
Massage – rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body.
There are many inexpensive ways to find health, peace, and wholeness.
Moving: Most of you have the freedom to move. Yet some of you don’t.
You release toxins from food, thoughts, and emotions as you move your body. When you don’t move, toxins build up and become stuck, causing physical issues within your body and mind. A stagnate body creates a stagnate mind. This is where depression, anxiety, and so much more occur.
Connecting Within:
Walking in nature.
Medication is an easy opportunity to get out of your head and connect to you, your spirit and your higher self.
Change your state; as simple as getting up from sitting to standing.
Listening to what your body is telling you. How does your body speak to you? Through pain, sensations, or dis-ease or from the feeling of comfort and healthiness.
By standing in your power and asking for what you need.
Don’t let society tell you what you need, want, or should look like. That’s their opinion – what’s yours? You do have the power to choose and decide. Do you want health? Then decide what that looks like and pursue it – for you – not what others think or feel it should be.
If you need help getting there, you must ask for what you need.
Be one with you! Connect to you! Have confidence that you are making the right decisions because you took the time to find yourself – inside of you.